Categories: Blog

4 tips I learned at BlogHer16 that will make you a better blogger.

4 essential blogging tips I learned at BlogHer16 that will make you a better, happier and more successful blogger.

If you aren’t a blogger, bear with me. I don’t write about blogging very often, but I learned SO freakin’ much about blogging-and life-at the recent BlogHer 2016 conference, that I just have to share the tips I learned at Blogher16. Here’s some of the essential wisdom about the business of creativity and blogging.

A quick explainer, BlogHer is the premiere female blogging conference that happens every year in the U.S. There were blogging and social media superstars dispensing some heavy duty wisdom in the seminars and keynotes at the conference here in LA. (I’ve got pages and pages of notes I’m still poring over and finding even more tips to put to work on my blog and social media platforms. I might have to share even more of these tips later!)

(I was so jazzed to be chosen as one of the 2016 Voices of the Year. A blogging dream come true. Here’s the video the BlogHer folks chose. It’s 23 seconds, about crazy things you do as a forgetful over 40 mom and it made lots of women laugh too!)

But since I can’t share everything, or this would be the longest blog post EVER, I’ve picked just a few of the top tips that I think every blogger needs to know and start putting to use right away.

1. It’s a community, not a competition.

Yes, we’ve all heard this. And we’ve heard it before because it’s true. Blogging is a community, which means when one individual does well, we all do a little bit better. Or as one speaker put it: a rising tide raises all boats.

Give tips to a new blogger. What increased your readership? How do you schedule your posts? Share what’s you’ve learned so far with your fellow bloggers. Don’t be stingy. There’s enough readers/fans/viewers to go around.

Lay down some good karma. Pay it forward.

Doin’ the blogger thang at Blogher16 with bloggy superstar Jill from Ripped Jeans and Bifocals.

In blogging, and in life, helping others helps you too. And frankly no one likes a self serving diva/queen anyway.

2. Everyone’s Thought About Quitting.

I was talking to a blogger who’s got like a gagillion more followers than I have, and she spoke about being discouraged. Huge realization for me. If you are a blogger you’ve probably considered quitting when the hours, time and heart your pour into your blog is just not showing up in the numbers, interaction or income you were hoping for.

I’ve told myself I was quitting too many times to count. It was a shock to hear that someone I admired, someone who seemed to have her sh*t together, got down too. Breaking news: everyone feels that way. So feel like crap, own it, wallow and then write another blog post.

Getting discouraged from time to time is a natural part of blogging.

3. You might not be ready, but try it anyway.

One of the themes I heard throughout the conference from successful youtubers and bloggers?

You might not feel ready, but do it anyway.

If you wait to feel “ready”, you’ll never hit publish on that blog post or film your video and share it on youtube. You will never feel ready because you become ready by doing. Not by thinking about doing something, or obsessing about why you’re not ready. 

Your first blog post probably won’t be your best. That’s fine. Your videos might be less than compelling in the beginning. You might even cringe later on when you watch your first attempts. You’re going to get better, but only if you actually make/create/write/edit the damned thing and release it into the world.

(Here’s another post I wrote about another super bad habit that’s totally killing your blog.)

4. Collaborate, collaborate, collaborate.

Blogging is a collaborative medium. Sharing. Working together. Teaming up.

If you think that you are going to succeed without finding a blogging community and collaborating your cute little patootie off you are sorely mistaken.

Write about vegan recipes, parenting, being over 40? There are Facebook groups, Link Parties, Twitter chats, group Pinterest boards for all of them.

Cohost a weekly blog post. Find a Facebook group. Tweet. Pin. Engage your ass off. Meet other bloggers online and form friendships. You’ll learn about blogging and you’ll meet some pretty amazing, bad ass women in the process.

These tips changed the way I view my own blog and my own blogging tribe of over 40 women. I’m going back to my blog with a renewed vision and some major excitement after the conference. 

If you went to BlogHer, I’d love to hear the tips that resonated with you.

And since we are talking about collaboration, are we friends on our social channels?

Here’s where I hang out and waste way too much time looking at cute outfits and puppies.




Instagram (I’m trying to learn why people love this platform. I’m a newbie here.)

Follow me and  let’s do some collaborating! Hit me up on one of these channels if you’ve got some awesome ideas of how we can work together!



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Rosie :

View Comments (33)

  • So glad that conference was a good experience for you. I've been to two or three, and while it's unlikely I'll attend another, I can see you got a lot out of it.

  • Fabulous recap! I think your No. 1 observation regarding it being community not competition is THE THING to keep in mind, especially when considering quitting because you feel less successful than others.

    Nice to read all the recaps of BlogHer16. I haven't been since BlogHer13 (attend BlogHer11, too) and like to hear about all the fun and lessons learned.

    • Lisa, so so true. When we compare and compete we lose sight of being who we are and being a part of the community!

  • So I guess your pretty famous huh? Giggle, I have made friends, own a few groups and yes, the blogging friends and allies come and go. I agree about the engaging and definitely something many need to do more of. None of us are so special that we shouldn't help someone out and learn something more. Congrats on your success

    • Thanks Heidi! We all need to support one another and help each other out. We are stronger together.

  • Congrats on being chosen as one of the 2016 voices. Collaboration makes a huge difference. I was sorry I didn't attend even though I live in LA. I conferenced out during the first part of the year. Sounds like it was lots of fun though.

    • Thank you! I got so much out of it, we can all lift each other up and remember that we are a community of strong women!

  • These are all great tips. It's always good to know you're not alone in your thoughts! I'm bummed I didn't get to BlogHer this year. I always love seeing everyone!

  • Getting to hang with you was seriously one of my BlogHer16 highlights. You are amazing and I'm so happy we're friends. Love you!

  • I LOVED your video!! I was laughing and saying, yup! That's me all the time while viewing it!!
    I totally agree with your advice! That's the truth about the blogging world! The only thing I haven't been able to implement is the collaborating! I really hope I can do that now that I went to the conference and met some people!