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The surprising way organizing your junk drawer can help you lose weight.

Can organizing your junk drawer help you lose weight? Believe it or not, it just might.

We probably all know that better organization and a clean house can lower stress levels, boost self-esteem and help you sleep better, but did you know that organizing your home might even help you shed a few pounds too? 

Believe it or not, being more organized promotes higher self-esteem, a more calm environment, better sleep and lowered stress levels which in turn promotes weight loss.

(Growing up in the home of an AMAZING housekeeper, I felt a little inadequate in the cleaning and organizing departments. )

But I’ve taken a few easy steps over the past few weeks to clean and declutter, and the positive results are real. 

In his book, Lose the Clutter, Lose the Weight, Peter Walsh, explains the connection between disorganization and depression, weight gain, and high-stress levels.  

Walsh’s research shows that people living in cluttered environments experience higher stress levels. He believes that “an unmanageable maze of a home can be changed into a well-organized refuge while melting away stubborn pounds, while at the same time you’re shaking loose upsetting emotion and deeply ingrained ways of looking at yourself.”  

So, even us “clutter-clingers” can transform our home into an organized refuge and maybe even shed some fat along the way. 

Here’s how to get started.


First, determine what area of your home is a source of serious frustration.

Immediately, my junk drawer came to mind.  (The idea of digging through the overflowing drawer to find a pen that actually works gives me the hives!) 

Take a look at the crazy clutter before.

Here’s the way I tackled the clutter.


Materials you’ll need: paper towels, spray cleaner, plastic baggies (in various sizes), drawer divider (these adjustable drawer dividers lock in place) and a wastebasket

1.   Set aside 20 minutes. Listen to news, podcasts, music, or whatever keeps you on-task.

2.  Empty the entire contents of the drawer on to a piece of plastic (I used a kitchen garbage bag) or newspaper.  Do NOT look through the items. Keep moving!

3.  Use a spray cleaner and paper towel to clean the drawer. Let dry. 

4. Replace large items (like flashlights) to the drawer. 

5.  Fill the small baggies:

Place rubber bands and paperclips in a small baggie. Throw away what you don’t need.

Place loose change in a small baggie. Put the baggie full of change in your purse for the doggie rescue fund jar at your coffee spot.

Place loose receipts and coupons in a baggie. Go through these once the drawer is finished.

Place loose and unidentified keys into a baggie. Later, if they can’t be identified, toss, or place ALL unidentified keys on a key ring with an “unknown” tag. Just use one of the big paperclips from your paperclip baggie as a quick key ring!

Place your collection of take-out menus in the recycling bin! They’re all available online now.

Toss or relocate excess pencils and pencils. You only need a few! 

Place items to be delivered to other rooms into a large baggie or basket.

For example, the hammer needs to go to the toolbox or the phone charger belongs in the den, etc. Put these items aside and deliver at the completion of this project. 

6.   Place scissors, tape, pens, batteries into the drawer divider. Use small, open containers if you don’t have a drawer divider. Small food storage containers without lids work just as well, but make sure they are scrubbed clean!

7. Return misplaced items to their proper place (for me it was the hammer and screwdriver).

And now, celebrate your accomplishment!

Here’s my orderly “junk” drawer now.

Organizing your junk drawer is a small, but important, step to gain a stronger sense of control and organization in your life. 

What’s next? Maybe organize your makeup drawer, a source of out of control clutter for most women.

(Here’s a handy guide on makeup and skincare expiration dates, so you’ll know what to toss.)

My organizational project hasn’t led to weight loss (yet!) but I don’t dread getting a pen from the junk drawer anymore! 

What’s the most cluttered and stressful part of your home?


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Rosie :

View Comments (2)

  • I have always found your relationship and divorce information really helpful. I was having a bad day and decided to clean the junk drawer instead of hitting the refrigerator. I felt like I accomplished something productive!!! Now, I need to brave the kids’ closets. Baby steps! Thanks!

  • Love these suggestions and plan to tackle the junk drawer and gift wrap/ photo closet once the holidays are over. Thank you.