Categories: BlogParenting

The Christmas Countdown. Stop pushing me, I have a Holiday hangover.


The Christmas Countdown.

Stop pushing me Christmas, I have a Holiday hangover.

Pinterest is full of photos of DIY Christmas decorations and sugar cookies shaped like Snowmen. My inbox is stuffed with retailers telling me that it’s that time of year. WTF? People, I haven’t even eaten all of my daughter’s Halloween candy and you’re wanting me to buy tablecloths with Reindeer on them?

Stop pushing me to get all up in Christmas. I don’t want to start singing Jingle Bells. I’m. Not. Ready. It’s barely November! I still have Halloween hangover. You know what that feels like, right? You’re sugared up and sugared out. You’re exhausted from creating, designing, and bedazzling costumes late into the night. You are done with decorating, carving pumpkins and almost sawing off one of your fingers. You are up-to-here with Trick or Treating. You’ve eaten candy for breakfast, with your mid-morning coffee and anytime between when you wake up and when you go to sleep.

We’re all trying to give away our candy! Tiny bite sized treats are everywhere. Next to the cash register at the gas station. Even your friendly Uber drivers are handing it out to get it out of their own house.

Slow. Down. Don’t rush me. I still have molding pumpkins to throw away, and a Halloween costume to put away on the top shelf of the closet (just in case we want to use it next year).

Don’t get me wrong. I love the whole magic of the holiday season. I listen to Christmas carols in the car. I know all the words to “Baby It’s Cold Outside” and I can wear red sparkly sweaters like a Mo’ Fo’, but this whole rush is madness.

According to the Omaha World Herald, retailer are pushing the holiday season into months not weeks to generate more sales. Pretty soon, we’ll be celebrating the Fourth of July while we shop for fake, prelit Christmas trees at Lowes.

Please join me if you too suffer from a Holiday Hangover. I’m going to just say NO. No to holly. No to Jolly. And hell no to Christmas. I don’t even want to hear about you for at least another week.

xoxo, Rosie

(Visited 172 times, 1 visits today)
Rosie :

View Comments (4)

  • So funny and true!
    Just returned from town where my hubby and I did some shopping. As I was reading your blog he cracked open a box of Christmas shortbread sugar cookies!
    I must admit that Halloween candy and Christmas sugar cookies will get you over the 3 o'clock slump.
    Hope you enjoy each day as it comes.

    • Deb,
      So glad you enjoyed the post! Love that you are already cracking open the Christmas cookies! Yes, I think that mixing my sugar intake is a good call and will most def get me over the hump until Mr. Red Wine comes calling around 7pm!

      Were you already Christmas shopping? If so, that is impressive!
      thanks for stopping by-Rosemond

  • I totally hear you! "Pretty soon, we’ll be celebrating the Fourth of July while we shop for fake, prelit Christmas trees at Lowes." That's not too far off considering many places celebrate with Christmas in July sales... Christmas is my favorite holiday, but I refuse to listen to Christmas music or decorate before December 1st. I'm not a mall shopper to begin with, so you definitely won't see me shopping after Thanksgiving. It just gets crazier and crazier each year. It's like the time from Halloween to January 1st is one big retail blur.

    • Patty,
      Thanks for your input! Yes, you are right it is one big retail blur. I was in the drugstore yesterday and they were playing Christmas carols. Insanity!!