Categories: Beauty & FashionBlog

Awesome, Lazy Beauty Hacks for the Over 40 Woman.

My favorite lazy makeup and beauty hacks for the over 40 woman.

I’m lazy. There I said it. I try to be good but sometimes even simple beauty and makeup tasks just feel like big time chores.

What’s an over 40 woman to do?

Learn some shortcuts for those days when you just can’t bring yourself to do all the usual beauty upkeep and management we normally do.

Here are a few of my lazy day beauty and makeup shortcuts.

1. Simple Cleansing Facial Wipes.

We all know you’re not supposed to sleep in your makeup but….On those nights when you just can’t bring yourself to cleanse, tone, and moisturize, these makeup remover wipes come in handy.

I even keep some stashed in my bedside drawer when I’m super duper, crazy lazy, I can swipe my makeup off and then go to sleep guilt free. These sheets are gentle with no alcohol, no perfumes, no dyes. I’ve tried just about every other brand out there and I keep coming back to these. (My teen uses them too, and they don’t break out her acne prone skin.) These are super gentle but still do a great job of removing eye makeup and mascara with just one wipe. (I put a few in a Ziploc bag and take it with me when I’m traveling, so I don’t have to use the hotel soap to clean my skin in case it’s too harsh.)

2. Nars The Multiple Stick.

Big, easy to use and great when you are in a hurry and need a swipe of color. You can use Nars The Multiple on your cheeks, lips, eyelids and when I’m feeling really pale and icky, I dab a bit on my forehead and chin for an instant highlight. The color is sheer with a slight shimmer, enough to give you a subtle glow. I use South Beach which is a warm apricot but try it for yourself. They have a big range of tones that suit just about any skin tone. (I also love the Orgasm and Puerto Vallarta colors too.)

3. Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs.


For those moments when you’ve forgotten to apply self tanner and you have to wear a dress, like, NOW! I love this stuff. It goes on evenly and is sheer, not orange. It comes in six shades, I use the lightest shade which is Light Glow. It truly doesn’t rub off onto your clothes. I apply just a bit to give my legs a hint of color. It hides any little imperfections like freckles and such, and makes your legs look great. Tip: don’t forget the back of your knees and the back of your ankles! Use a mirror to make sure you’ve gotten to all those sneaky places on the backs of your legs. I always keep a can of Airbrush Legs on hand for those skirty moments. (They also have an Airbrush legs lotion now too, but I haven’t tried that one yet.)

4. Aveeno Positively Radiant Tinted Moisturizer.

I have to wear sunscreen everyday (I’m hoping you do too) and when I’m particularly lazy, I want a tinted moisturizer that can use in place of sunscreen and a foundation. This Almay Tinted Moisturizer is light, easy to apply but gives you full coverage. I use the Fair to Light shade. It doesn’t break me out and SO many things usually do. Plus it’s a great price. And Jennifer Anniston is in their ads, so if a little bit of her over 40 awesomeness rubs off on me, well then, only better.

5. Ficcare Hair Clip.

Yes, the Ficcare hair clip is pricey for a hair clip, but I think I’ve had mine for at least ten years. This thing has saved me so many times! When I need to have polished, professional looking hair super fast, it’s a God send. All you have to do is twist your hair into a French twist/ponytail, secure it with the clip. And voila, you are ready to go. It secures your hair, doesn’t pull and is so easy, no bobby pins needed.

I got the silver and now think it’s time that I also get the black or wine to add to the mix. If you have hair that’s long enough to twist, you’ll end up using this all the time.

So there you have it, 5 of my all time favorite easy, lazy beauty hacks for the over 40 woman.

Are we friends on Pinterest? I have lots of  beauty and fashion tips for the over 40 woman there. Click here to follow all the tips and tricks on the Round and Round Rosie Pinterest boards!

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Rosie :

View Comments (29)

  • Great looking products. Yea for Sally Hansen! I had some NARS lipstick and loved the quality. Will check this stick out. Thanks for the recommendations!

  • Easy tips are always good. I haven't used a spray tan on my legs but good to know. Love cleansing wipes too especially when I travel.

  • I am all for a tinted moisturizer with full coverage! I find facial wipes don't really do the job but are a good pre-step.

  • These are great tips, Rosie. I'm putting together a shopping list right now! I confess I go to bed with my makeup on so I think the facial wipes will be my first purchase. Next will be the airbrush legs because I'll do about anything to avoid wearing pantyhose. Thanks for the great ideas!

    • The facial wipes save me from not only wearing my makeup to bed but also helps me feel less guilty for going to bed with a dirty face!! So glad they helped!

  • Never mind over 40, I love lazy beauty hacks. Of course, the one I usually use these days is the 'I have two toddlers & I just didn't bother' hack! I used to have that airbrush legs stuff though - I loved it in my clubbing days when going with bare legs!

  • This post is not just for women over 40. I love your tips. I'm still young but I'm too lazy to actually try products and apply it to myself. I don't really have a beauty regimen too. I'm glad that lazy beauty hacks are easy to do. Will you add more lazy beauty hacks in your future blog posts? I would love to read that too.

  • Hi Rosie,

    I want to recommend Nars The Multiple to my mom. She is always busy and doesn't have enough time to make up, so I think this one is perfect for her. There are choices of tones, so I just let her decide the best shade for her. Thank you for sharing. My mom will look stunning with the help of this Nars The Multiple with easy application.

  • Great tips! Some of these, I was not aware, but now I will try. Sunscreen and facial masks have always tried to use them regularly. I have found some more excellent tips here that can lead us to shine with organic products and especially essential oils. Thank you for sharing

  • The truth is that I never take much care of myself and I looked good, but when an age comes our body and skin require more attention.
    Thanks for sharing this wonderful tips.