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4 Evil Ways I’m Ruining My Teen’s Summer Vacation.

My evil plan to totally wreck my teen’s summer vacation.

I know, I know. It’s summer time. No homework, no early morning bolt out the door to get to school on time. It’s a summer break. Summer vacation. It’s supposed to be months of complete and total lazy, don’t-brush-your-teeth-for-days sloth.

At least that’s what my daughter thinks.

I’m OK with some summer lazies. The only problem is, her idea of “lazy” is staring at a screen and not blinking for 14 hours. Food and bathroom breaks be damned. (Here’s my earlier rant about an entire summer of unrelenting screen time.)

If I didn’t care. Or if I didn’t imagine myself to be the worst mom on the planet. Or that I was setting my daughter up for a career that entails asking, “if you’d like fries with that”, I’d let her wither away watching hours of Japanese anime.

But, guess what, I do care. I don’t want her to be destined to a career that includes hair nets. I do want her to go to college.

And so, I’ve decided on my mission.

I will, I must, ruin my child’s summer vacation. It’s as simple as that.

Here’s the specific steps I’m taking to totally ruin my teen’s summer vacation.

1. Make Her Read a Book.

Remember those? Made of paper, full of words? Often found in libraries, Barnes and Noble and by the master bathroom toilet? Yes, books. Somebody call child protective services because I’m going to assign my daughter a reading list of 10 books to read before the summer is over.

Yes, I’m that evil.

2. Unplug The Wireless Network.

Yes, when the computer doesn’t close. When the phone and ipad are hot as Hades from overuse, I’m going to unplug the damned wifi. Bam. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.

This will probably end with tears and pouting. Nevertheless, I must remain strong.

3. Eye Contact & Conversation

It’s going down for real. I’m not only going to make her close her computer, there’s going to be conversation and eye contact. This might be tricky in the beginning but after a few days away from devices, her ability to form words and sentences will (hopefully) return. We’ll work our way back to eye contact with actual living beings. Eye contact might start off small, with her cats for instance. But anything worth attaining is worth working for.

And now for the big guns. 

The three words that strike fear in the hearts of teens everywhere. 


It brings back visions of the movie Vacation doesn’t it? Kids crammed into the back of the family truckster for shits and giggles at Wally World. Well, my present day adventure won’t be in a truckster with Chevy Chase, but will instead be in a Prius visiting towns across California. But some of the same teen road trip pain will be present.

Truck Stops in the middle of nowhere. Endless highways that stretch flat and long into nothingness and NO INTERNET.

Even I shudder just a bit thinking about it.

My teen might have to sit and look out the window at the passing big rigs. She might have to listen to crappy radio signals and bad 70’s songs and learn to be BORED.

If all goes according to plan, I’ll be able to thoroughly ruin my teen’s summer vacation and deliver her to high school in a few months.

She’ll have read a few more books. Have a few more mosquito bites. Learned to be bored. And maybe even, God willing, we’ll have grown a little bit closer.

Cover me while I go unplug the wifi and ruin a teen’s summer vacation.

Wish me luck.


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Rosie :

View Comments (38)

  • I'm with you girl. Well, not with you- with you, I'm actually not that brave. But I do really wish you the best. Keep us posted!!!

    Leslie at Agingersnapped

  • I love your attitude towards this issue. My daughter just turned 6 and I'm thinking the same way!!!

  • I reckon a game of Scrabble too! I love torturing my kids in similar ways - funnily enough they turn out to be the best times usually that we look back on fondly. (-8

    • Katie, you are cruel. Scrabble? Love it and will have to add to my mean mom summer arsenal. Yes, these simple times together usually do end up being the most special times we remember. Thanks for the mean mom support!

  • I was lucky that my daughter as a teen was a bookworm & a homebody - she rarely was online, even now! She loved having coffee & conversations & helping to look after her much younger siblings. My sons as teens, worked during the summer holidays. However in UK the holidays start at the end of July; we have 2 weeks family holiday & that leaves just 4 weeks ....

    • It sounds like you have wonderful kids. I hope that my daughter's former bookworm ways will return with some tech unplugging. I'm hoping so but we will see!

  • I don't have kids, but I'm certain I'd be the same way. They'll grumble now but be grateful later! You're teaching her a way to never get bored - and that's a very important lifeskill!

    • Yes, boredom is a gift. Think of how many times we had to entertain ourselves and how we came up with ways to do that. Thanks for the support of my mean mommy summer!

  • Tough love but great strategies. What a rebel you are Rosamond. I have hope that your teen will have a GREAT summer once she goes through technology withdrawal. Now, to apply these same techniques to myself so I can enjoy my summer too. :)

    • Oh it's going to be tough. I do think there will be a tech withdrawal. Twitching fingers, blank stares. I know, I need to disconnect myself too!

  • Now, unplugging the wireless network is just cruel! LOL - love this post, and that you care enough to want the best for your daughter.

  • Haha - good plan! Of course, if she has a high enough data limit, you know she's just going to create a wifi hotspot with her phone & run everything off that, right?? ;) I think you should go full on with the torture & make the eye contact & conversations be about discussing the themes in the books you made her read!

    • Oh love these evil mommy ideas!! Eye contact, conversation and recapping her books!! My evil plan just got even more mean mommy (if that's even possible!) Love your style Mama!

  • This is so true. I have two of those teens and can definitely use your advice. Get them away from the screens. I am hosting a new link party called Sweet Inspiration and would love to have you join us. It runs Fridays 10am est to Tuesdays.

    • Mary! I know you understand what I'm saying since you have teens at home too. I'd love to join our Link party! thanks for letting me know about it!